i had the pleasure of visiting Tim Walker: Story Teller exhibition at the Somerset House last month. it is truly amazing. to see the (huge) real pieces he used on the photos was a great experience. i had always wondered how he works so i couldn't be happier when i found out about this exhibition. and even though it was a bit small i wasnt disappointed. being close to such amazing pieces as this doll, this skeleton and this plane takes you to another reality, to a fairy tale. there were also some making-of videos of his shootings which i really loved. if you have the chance visit this exhibition, it will be there till January 27.
photo #2 is just this amazing place i walk by everyday.
Tim Walker "Mechanical Dolls" for Vogue Italia, October 2011.
Também já lá estive, mas não consegui tirar nenhuma fotos aos bonecos fantásticos :(
ResponderEliminarDe qq forma ADOREI!
podes sempre lá voltar, felizmente é grátis (:
Eliminareu tive sorte porque não estava muuuita gente quando fui e deu para estar à vontade.
eu agora tenho de voltar à Somerset mas é para ver a do Cartier-Bresson.
Exacto também já pensei em lá voltar, talvez amanhã consiga, se não der talvez durante a próxima semana. Também quero ver a do Cartier-Bresson!
Eliminaraproveita para patinar no gelo!!