

when, last year, i decided to move to the UK that meant having to get rid of all the stuff i gathered for 5 years in my flat in Lisbon. some of the stuff i packed and brought with me, others i just packed and left in Lisbon and a lot of it i just put in the bin.
it was heartbreaking to throw away most of the magazines i had been collecting for so many years, but i had no choice. i sold some, i gave away others, but most of it went to the recycling bin.
from that moment on i decided to stick to just the ones i really love. it was a hard decision, but i had to pick my favourites.
so, i decided to just keep buying Lula, Apartamento and Love.
then Cereal was launched. and i had to make an exception. #1 was already sold out by the time i heard of the magazine, so i could only get my hands on the #2 and the ones that came after.
i was even fast enough to get a copy of the #4 limited edition (pictured above), from whose all sale's proceeds went to The International Tree Foundation. i admit it, im a sucker for limited editions. and if its for a good cause then its even better.
this means i now just buy these 4 magazines, i ve forbidden myself to buy others than these.
even though the quality of Lula magazine (aesthetics in general, contents and covers) has, been, in my opinion, decreasing, i just kept buying it. it was more of a cult thing and i really like the way they all look together in the shelf. pretty vain, i know.
but today i read that Leith Clark will no longer be part of Lula, so i guess this is the perfect excuse to stop buying it.
luckily, to the fashion and publishing industries, Leith will be embracing a new project - Violet - that i can't wait to have in my hands, i have no doubt she will put together an amazing publication. Violet will be launched in Spring 2014. read about it here.

(i must confess i ve been a bad girl and bought So It Goes mag #1 a couple of months ago, just because i was really curious, loved the cover, and i am a vonnegut fan).

2 comentários:

  1. Como te compreendo. Não estive nesse processo de mudança de casa, mas também deitei umas quantas fora e decidi que me manterei com poucas revistas! A Lula era uma das que gostaria de "acrescentar" ao rol, mas sendo assim, não sei se não começo a pensar duas vezes... :/ Mas a Cereal é indispensável. Mais a Kinfolk, a Apartamento, a Frankie...

    1. durante algum tempo tambem comprei religiosamente a Russh e a Jalouse, mas acho que tambem foram perdendo qualidade.
      outras que compraria - caso n~ao tivesse de balancar quest~oes de espaco f'isico e econ'omicas - s~ao a Gentlewoman, The Travel Almanac e Chicpea.
